Usually the last thing on people’s minds in the middle of the winter is taking a dip in Lake Michigan, but sometimes people do crazy things for crazy-good causes. For 18 years in a row - going on 19 - the Lakeview Polar Bear Club has been rallying up Chicagoans to partake in The Chicago Polar Plunge, and run into Lake Michigan in January. The people who sign up and participate in the plunge are helping the Polar Bear Club raise money for people in need. Nineteen years ago, only three people participated, and now numbers are in the thousands!
Money is raised through registration for the plunge. Every penny raised goes towards families who need it. They are also throwing a plunge after party they tickets can be purchased for. There’s nothing like partying for a good cause. If taking the plunge sounds a little too chilly, donations are being accepted online, where you can register, as well.